Climate change has serious impacts on all species including the humans. It has proven the possible damages on many sectors including agriculture. Since agriculture depends directly on the nature and climate, changes in the climate has an utmost pressure on it. Farmer level adaptation strategies to overcome adverse effects of climate change have taken a due attention of most of the National and international policy dialogues.
Awareness on the issues and the actions to be implemented against the upcoming negatives have been discussed within the scientific community a long time ago all over the world. With parallel to this global trend, local researchers and policy makers also have started programmes on farmer awareness and adaptation building. However, it is noticed that many of the research findings, reading materials and policy briefs are not available in sihnala language in printed manner to get an overall idea reference to rural farming community in Sri Lanka.
Therefore, the “Climate smart agricultural practices ” has been written in a simple language by specifically focusing the farmers. The aim of the book is to educate the farmers on the reasons for climate change, possible damages along with the overall impacts and measures to build the resilience and farmer level adaptation effectively at the end.
The UNESCO was funded for the publication and this is the first book of a series of books that focus on the education of farmers on climate change impacts. If you are interested in reading, the e-copy of the book is attached herewith.