Friday, May 15, 2020

Volunteering during Covid 19 pandemic

Working without financial benefits or social benefits other than self-satisfaction are simply called volunteering. Volunteering is performed individually or by groups for many purposes. It may consider healthcare, child care, wildlife protection, cleaning the environment or any support decided by the doers. Why do most of us want to do some work without proper gains? It may be due to the extreme importance of the task or the severity of the importance of such actions.

Does Coivd 19 pandemic create such requirements? Certainly, yes. According to the statistics of the health sector, the virus has affected about 2,512,489 people globally by today. This will require volunteers in some disciplines than ever. One example is health sector. The specialized workers and tasks may not replace with the untrained volunteers. But, it was observed that retired professionals’ volunteer engagement in such specific activities in most of the countries where the Covid 19 pandemic was severe i.e Italy. Retired medical professionals reported to their duties back in search of a cure or helping to the fellow medical staffs.

In this backdrop, young inventors, billionaires, celebrities, leading scientists have come forward to help the needy people all over the world when it started to rise the death toll day by day. According to the recent data, the Covid 19 virus has spread into most of the regions of the world. Some countries like Brazil has reported 197,838 positive cases of the virus which were impacted by the virus recently than the other countries. This kind of surge of patients may require volunteers.

Volunteering is not only limited to, health sector during this pandemic situation. The contribution to other areas like health research, producing manuals on safety instructions, making awareness videos, publishing health information is also possible voluntary activities. Some NGOs and intergovernmental organizations seek such assistance from the public who are in good health to support particular activities according to the need i.e. UN volunteers. Therefore, voluntary activities which conduct online is a really beneficial task in this emergency situation.

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